RE: [RC] Need opinion on what to do about lame horse-off topic - agilbxr - Mary Carroll
Hi Juli and Apache,
I have *always* boarded (my H is a
city type guy) and have loads of experience with the good, bad and ugly of
boarding barns. I have been at H/J and dressage barns, at western barns,
at ignore 'em kind of barns, and at friend's ranches. I have always paid a
fair price-even at friend's places-and expect the owner or manager to keep an
eye on my horses. So, if I had noticed a lame horse, with no vet care, and
being ridden...I would wonder what was up with the barn owner's sense of
Many years ago I had the good
fortune to keep my first horse with people who knew more than I could
imagine. I was told to do things a certain way in order to
stay! These lessons stayed with me.
It seems to me that this situation
is tearing you up and you need to make an ultimatem. "Either have the vet
out by X, or I will have my vet see Apache and add that to your board
bill." Further, you need to not allow the owner to ride the horse on
your property until he is well.