[RC] Tevis Cup Website has new address and a new look - TypeF \(Jackie Floyd\)
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Western
States Trail Foundation website, the official home of the Tevis Cup online, has
a new "do" and in a couple of days, two brand new addresses.
WSTF President Mike Picket has secured two new
URL's for the Tevis site, www.TevisCup.net
and www.TevisCup.org. Although they are
not active as yet, they should be in a few days. The original www.foothill.net/tevis address will
remain in effect.
The new look is courtesy of yours truly, Jackie
Floyd, of Type "F" Typgraphy and Graphic Arts. If you happen to find anything
that I didn't quite tweak right, please do let me know. There were tons and tons
of links to change over to the new style, and even though I've been through them
a million times, one or two are bound to have escaped me. Some pages have been
left in the 2005 state until new 2006 information can be obtained.
I want to take a minute to thank The Tevis site's
past webmaster Richard Goodwin, whose many, many long hours over the past 10
years "behind the screen," have produced the wealth of information currently
found online. Richard also manned the webcast every year, not only keeping us
all up to speed on each rider's progress on ride day, but more
importantly, keeping the WSTF organization informed as well, for the safety
of all riders. I will be trying to fill some very BIG shoes on ride day and
let's all keep our fingers crossed that I, at least, can come close. It's a very
big job.
For those who have used the Tevis website's bank of
useful knowledge and tracked your rider's progress from across the country, it
would be great if you could shoot Richard a little note and let him know how
much you appreciate what he has contributed. I am sure it would make his
day. He can be reached at richard "at" natbarn.com .