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[RC] The sweating problem - Maryanne Gabbani

I wrote earlier about one of my horses who would be drenched in sweat on a ride where one of the other horses of my group would be bone dry, and who as well had a HR that was all over the place. We decided to take resting HR's on the horses and to calibrate the three various HRM's that I have. The outcome of the exercise was interesting to say the least.

First only the handheld and one of the girth mounted units were working properly and one of the two watches needs a new battery. Once we established the correct monitors, we checked most of the herd. We found that 6 of the group had resting heart rates between 34 and 42, which was lovely news. A new gelding had never had his heart rate checked before and his HR was 185 but it began dropping quickly so we didn't worry much. Doobie, my sweaty gelding, had a heart rate that varied between 215 and 48...still worrying so we called a vet to come out and check his heart with a stethoscope. The result was that we found that Doobie has a faulty valve and an irregular heart beat. The HRM's were picking up one beat as sometimes one and sometimes two. The irregular heartbeat would be enough to excuse him from any vet check, simply on technical grounds, but a faulty valve has determined his career completely. He will be doing nice calm rides in the farm areas and staying out of the desert...probably to his disgust. He's a young horse and thinks that he can conquer the world, but he can't. But it will give him a longer life and a useful one.

Worth checking when you get a funny response on things.



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