[RC] a question to those of you who ride barefoot horses - Marta Kozlowskamy mare is barefoot. this is only our 2nd season of distance riding. so far we didn't need to boot up for the rides. but looking ahead i think some of the rides we would like to try involve some harsh terrain which may require booting up. i'm curious how you handle the training and the booting up issue - do you train with boots on so that you're comfortable that there is no rubbing/chafing during the ride? when doing a ride which may require booting up, do you boot up from the start or do you wait until you get to the harsh terrain and then boot up? any other tricks for the barefoot horse? i think i will use the epics (so far they work for us v. well, even better than ez boots which occasionally came off when i didn't use duct tape over the top). although i admit that the gaitors worry me a little since dirt could easily get trapped in there and chafe. which brings me to a final question - which boots are most commonly used in long distance riding?
thanks in advance for your replies.
-- god created women so his horses would survive