[RC] How to remove CO2 from the atmosphere - Tom Sites
My thinking does go beyond the abstract, but if you
wanted to remove the CO2 from the atmosphere, why not just denotate a Hydrogen
Bomb and make rain? To me this is not absurd. What i find absurd is
Man, who looks towards the Son of God for Salvation and the Sun of God is right
there, every day. ('Solar Hardware-epochdressage' ....and i can not talk
about the 4 Horsemen on an Endurance Horse Chat, and to me, thats ironic.
I'm off to the AERC Trails Symposium in Glenville
WVa. and i know the effort Jerry Fruth (and Terry Silver) goes to to get us
there. I know i'll come back a better Trail Steward and Jerry Fruth...I
Laud You, and thank you for making this opportunity possible. ts