There is a chart on the back of the bottle which shows how much to give
according to body weight. For 1000# it shows 23.0mL, but if you're giving a
double dose then times 2. It also has 100, 200, 300, 400, 500# amounts, so if
your horse weighs 7,8 or 900# it's easy to figure out the correct amount to
give. I use the same type of syringe I use for electrolyte dosing.
The horses don't seem to object to it, and I don't put it all in at the same
time, give them time to swallow smaller amounts so there is less waste. I
haven't used this company for ordering, but looks like they have a good price as
long as there is no shipping or FOB. I got mine from either Valley Vet, $104.95
and no shipping or FOB charges. Also, it should be done after the first hard
frost, so you may want to wait 'til Nov or so to get it done, or at least do it
again at that time for optimal results.
How much of the cattle Panacur per 1000 lb? Do you just administer it
orally, in a small syringe? Beccy in Ut.