Tracy, why do you use your Supracore only for rides less than 50 miles?
Lori B.
Tracy Blue <mydogwedge@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just thought I'd add my thoughts and experience.
Have never used a Skito pad, nor a Dixie Midnight, so cannot comment on them.
I have had very good results with my HAF pad. So much so, I know own two!
I use an equipedic with my treeless saddle, but in very humid weather I use the HAF.
I also use the HAF pads with my wintecs.
I will occasionally use a Supracor pad, but primarily for shorter rides under 50 miles.
I also use a woolback pad, which is, I think, the best. It keeps them cool and fits nicely. I do make a point of pulling it up into the channel at the
withers at each stop, as it doesn't have the 'shape' of the HAF or Supracor.