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Re: [RC] for those who use electrolytes...help those newbies - rides2far

Here's a good simple analogy. The horse's intercellular fluid is is of a
certain mixture. Part electrolytes, and part water. Picture it like a
pitcher of Kool-Aid. If you pour out "Kool-Aid" and add more water it's
no longer the correct balance...it's not Kool-Aid any more.  If the horse
needs that particular balance to function, and can only take in more
water, he's doing more damage than good because he is diluting his
cellular fluid...it's no longer the right mix. Having a horse that drinks
tons could get you in trouble if he had no time to eat enough or was not
given enough electrolytes to balance it out. 

Very quick version...very prone to mistakes but I've got an appt. to get
my hair cut and I'm out the door. 


On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:54:48 -0600 "Jonni" <jonnij@xxxxxxxx> writes:
OK, So, I have sort of a challenge for those who regularly use 
electrolytes, and feel they have a good understanding of "why" they 
do so. Can you explain to those very new to the sport, how 
electrolytes work in the horses body, and just what they do.  Why do 
they make the horse drink?  And, why do we not want to give 
electrolytes to a very dehydrated horse. What can happen? What can 
happen if a horse gets too much electrolytes?  I would love to hear 
these answers in a very simplistic manner, than any newbie who lurks 
could understand.

So, who is game??? (you vets can sit this one out, you have that 
unfair advantage)

And for those of you who feel this subject gets beat to death, and 
want more "scientific" posts on this sport, this is your chance to 
shine. Please help these new folks out who are confused about 


"Man was created to complete the horse."  -Ed Abbey.


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