My batteries croaked in my meter and when I went to
get new ones, they said try radio shack. Being a long drive to a radio shack and
having made my self sick dieting and therefore needing the meter kinda now, I
just bought a new one. Got me one of those new fangled ones that isn't supposed
to hurt cause you can take it on your forarm and stuff. Besides, it had a rebate
that pays for it, so it was free if you don't count the eight weeks to get my
money back.
Sooo.... I have an accu-check instant that needs
new batteries if anybody wants it. I seem to recall a past discussion on
checking bloodsugar on horses and thought somebody might like this one. Don't
know how much the batteries will be. The test strips are avalable at most
pharmasies and are about a buck each. around $50 for 50 test strips, a
little cheaper by the 100. Has the owners manual and an unused test diary,
soft touch lancet and part of a box of sterile points too.
Giving it away to the first person who wants to pay
the postage. :o)