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[RC] Old Age & Healthy - k s swigart

Lif Strand said:

I can't say I know very many people at all over 60 or 65
who aren't on at least one prescription medicine. I can't
think of one person over 70 that I personally know who
isn't taking several prescription medicines.

My father who just turned 79 does not take any prescription medicines
(not saying that he never has in his life for injuries and such, just
that he isn't now, and probably hasn't for the last 10 years), and
rarely ever even takes over the counter medications.  He isn't showing
any signs of this state of affairs changing in the near future either.
He goes to the doctor once a year for his annual physical, and that's
about it.  I don't think my aunt (his sister) who is 83 is either.

Orange County, Calif.


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