I have been on record in the past on RC of
saying..."I think electrolytes are a direct cause of ulcers in horses." Of
course i have absolutely no data or information to back that up, so if you are a
skeptic to such things as West Nile Virus (when i posted this i was questioned
and TI said it "could be a concern") Climatic Change and all the other things i
perceive, like when all the bravado about our'Victory' in Iraq i said..."The War
will be easy, the Peace will be very difficult." Its in the RC
The facts of my experience is that i NEVER
used electrolytes in the GAHR or my first 2 OD completions and i did NOT have a
metabolic problem on either. The only electolytes available in 76 was
Kerry Ridgeways homemade mixture that i was aware of for horses. When i
became 'educated' and started using them in the 80's, i have ulcers in my horse
There needs to be more study on this subject, thats
for sure.