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[RC] FW: [RC] The "Dance" - Ginny Holsman

I don't know about other people, but I train my horse to stand still whatever I may be doing at the other end of the reins, but to fumble with my clothing . . . my horse is also trained to tie, while I hunt for a bush or tree to hid behind rather than using my horse as a shield. The idea of holding it for a ride is inceivable to me since my preferred style of riding is outback adventuring which involves traveling long distances over the span of a few days, camping overnight along the way -- so there are always many times on such a trip that my horse needs to know how to stand, calmly, by rein or tied, while I fidget with compass, map, binoculars, camera, putting clothes on, taking clothes off, etc.

From: Steve Shaw <sshaw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Ridecamp <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC]   The "Dance"
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 09:44:25 -0800

I really wasn't going to go on with this.... but I have gotten so many messages that I will continue....
With men in ride and tie, or up near top ten at endurance, or with any hyper horse, there is a dance we sometimes have to do when the urge is a necessity.
You are hanging unto your horse by the reins, fumbling with your clothes and the horse is stepping circles around you. You have to quickstep and turn with the horse in a way that keeps you shoes from becoming yellow. It doesn't help that the horse is bumping into you or that your horse WAS shielding you from passerby's. Most of the times I have been stepped on by my horse have been............ .............
I have never heard of any women attempting this "dance" but am sure it has occurred.
Enough on this subject from me. (Resigned to not drink coffee anymore before the start of a ride....)
steve shaw


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