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Re: [RC] lein on horse - Rae Callaway

I have a friend who runs a large boarding stable (80 stalls/15 pasture slots) and she's had to confiscate horses several times.  One incident, a couple of years ago, had a trainer with 12 horses in the barn miss 2 months of board.  She then decided she was moving to another stable.  Luckily, my friend happend to be home sick from work that day and saw what was going on, so she had the two entrances to the place blocked with vehicles.  The trainer was furious, as were her students (who believed her when she said she only owed $30, not $3000.)  She threatned to call the Sherrif, to which my friend said, "sure, saves me the call."  The trainer didn't call, so my friend did and had all her paperwork ready to show him when he arrived.  End result, she got her money and the trainer moved to a different barn (stealing one of the cats as she left).
  Basically, if your boarder owes money and you have any thoughts that they may skip out when you're not there - then lock up the horse.  Once that horse leaves your property, you don't have a claim anymore.
Tall C Arabians - Central

Mom Alexander <thunderhart43@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I just found out today that this person has done this before.  Boarded her horse somewhere for months to a year without paying and then at night secretely "stole" her horse.   But, I live on my horse property, and my 110 pound male German Shepherd is out on guard duty at night, so she might sneak in, but she won't sneak out without the dog alerting me (and possibly alerting her ass) and my security lights flashing.  I am putting a lock on the stall and pasture gate.  Thanks for the tip.

[RC] lein on horse, Mom Alexander