Re: [RC] Horses and Mud Puddles - Jessica Spoone-Raines
My qh/arab will drink out of very large mud puddles
but only after we've been riding for awhile, my pinto will drink out of anything
large enough to get his nose into. They are both on the exact same diet and the
barn we're at has a smorgasborg of minerals out so the horses have 24/7 access
to what they need. They're both on ABC plus also so I'm thinking at least in my
case its not a mineral deficiency and just a personal preference. However none
of mine will lick dead animals....though my qh/arab will uproot small trees and
trot down the trail while dragging/eating them!
Jess Spoone-Raines
Our gelding drinks out of mud puddles. We would
like to think that maybe he has a mineral deficiency and that he is just not
weird. He also likes to lick weird animals.