[RC] OT-help World Health - susan tweedale-hill \(golshani\)
http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/index.jsp Use your computer to help solve world health
problems.... ya download a program... when you are
not using your computer, but can leave it turned on for a time, you turn on the
world community grid program and your computer works on a protein
theory/problem.... saves them the expense of buying more
The first task for AIDS took my computer 5 hours, then it sent the info
back to headquarters and another task was downloaded. You don't have to be on
line for your computer to process the task. I do run up to date anti virus
Please research this on the net... it's legit.
Susan Tweedale-Hill (Golshani) 61500 Rose
Hill Rd Salesville, OH
43778-9623 1-740-679-2333