Steve, Wow, thanks so much for your wonderful
offer. I would like to partner up with you sometime. I don't know
about the Rides of March. I am mostly worried about getting over there
during snow season. I'll play it by ear and keep you posted. What
other rides do you do, later in the season? I really want to ride in that
area. Thanks again, Jen M. and Banjo
Hi the Rides of march in NV is a very good and
not difficult ld ride, plus great people and great food and awards, The
S&S is also a nice ride BUT no meal after and basically no award and costs
more money and depending on where you are more traffic to get there, I will be
doing the rides of march on my filly it will be only her 2nd ride ,we did the
oroville 30, If you need a ridding partner let me know, i know the trail and
area. Steve