i once had a beautiful tb who i did it all
with. we had a once in a life time relationship and he loved doing it
all. i've seen him after a dressage work out and being turned out to
pasture do dressage movements on his own!! it was so awesome to
watch. he'd even do simple ones like shoulder in, turn on forehand,
haunches. i still miss that boy and it's been thirty one years. sometimes
it was as if he were taking a dressage test all alone. <still tear up
talking about him and see him in my dreams> wish everyone could have a
horse like him just once. patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.
It seems to me that Dressage was once about a rider and a horse. It
seems to me that the better trained a horse is, the less the rider might have
to rely on a double-bridle...perhaps with NO cavesson tighten so mandibles
cannot be released, thereby giving the horse a chance to truly relax.
Maybe the Higher Levels of Dressage should be ridden WITHOUT any bridle, and
the training could then be truly judged. But, then the Laws of Physics
couldn't be applied in such a fashion as to make the rider's desires more
readily and easily understood.
Frank (in servitude to the piles of manure which await me...)