know the treeless saddle thread has been running for years, but I am now
interested in one and would like to know which one is the best for a wide body,
hay belly Arabian gelding with no definable withers. I am a featherweight
rider who does trail riding in mountainous area.>>
Most treeless will do well for your type of horse
especially since you are a featherweight. The top ones that most people like
right now are: Bob Marshall (many use this one), Bareback treeless (shorter from
front to back than the Bob Marshall), Torsion & the Freeform (which has more
spine clearance). I ride in Bob Marshalls and we have a Bareback we really love
too. There are many, many treeless out there to choose from. It is important to
have a saddle pad that goes well with your treeless. Expect to spend $150+ for a
good saddle pad. Don't use any old cheapo pad. The ones that people use with
treeless seem to be Equipedic, Skito & Supracore. I love my 3 Equipedics but
also own Skito & Supracore. Remember though if you buy a treeless and don't
like it, the resale on them is very good so you won't loose too much. Search
ebay under "treeless" in equestrian section and you'll find many barely used
ones. I wouldn't recommend the Hilason though. I've heard its cheaply made.