This very subject came up on a gaited list that I'm on.
I have two Arabs that gait, one more than the other and I have
M.Foxtrotters. I mentioned that I had bred my Arab mare to a MFT because
she was gaited and appeared to be a good match other wise. It was, I love
the results, but, any way it started a discussion about gaited arabs. One
of the women that breeds MFT's replied as follows....
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Once upon a time, I was very fascinated by Arabs and had a
friend who had been a breeder for 30 years and when she mentioned that
occassionally a gaited Arab would crop up, I did quite a bit of research.
Seems back in the days when the Kellogg ranch was going full guns, they quite
often had some strongly gaited Arabs (to the tune of having to have it "trained"
out before they could use them in their weekend spectaculars). Two of the
lines that I was able to trace gait to was Skrownek and Abu Farwa (there were a
couple of others but its been so long that I can't remember now, grin).
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As it happens, both of mine trace back to Abu Farwa as did a friends Arab
that only gaited, doing what some call an amble. Mine do trot as well as