I had a horse that just could not trot. He was a horse we had bred and
raised. He went to a trainer for about a year for western pleasure training.
When he came home, I started trail riding him and he had the slowest pokey walk
I had ever ridden. He was only about 4 yrs. old and he had no forward energy.
But that changed when we started up a hill. He would bolt and start bucking
until we got to the top. Sometimes, out of nowehere, he would bolt and runaway.
I thought he just needed an attitude readjustment.
I started taking dressage lessons on him and my instructor could not figure
out why he just could not seem to trot. He wasn't using his rear end at
So I had her chiropractor come out and she said he had a sacroiliac
problem. She adjusted him and then had me do deep massaging of his hind quarters
using a hand held massager about twice a day... 5 to 10 minutes per side.
He stopped bolting and bucking going up hills but it still took him a while
before he actually started using his rear end with a forward trot.