Re: [RC] Speed at multiday rides - RDCARRIEIn a message dated 2/24/2005 12:30:22 PM Central Standard Time, rides2far@xxxxxxxx writes:I've had an awful lot of riders from out there tell me they've done what they *knew* were extremely short multi-days. I've only done Fort Stanton (in terms of multidays), both the 55 and 35, but I can tell you, those were the shortest 35 and 55 mile rides I've ever done! My husband did two 35s out there, and he agrees. I'll bet each distance was a good 10 miles short. I remember hearing that someone had mentioned this to those in charge once upon a time, and it was justified by saying, well, the trails are really tough, so... The trails are *not* very difficult, IMO, and at any rate, nothing justifies an incorrectly measured trail. That said, I've talked to folks who have done some other multiday rides, and they feel the distances were correct on the ones they did. I don't think one can point to any one thing regarding the speed people ride. Dawn in East Texas