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[RC] On topic: Cross training my endurance horse - Christina McCarthy

I hate arenas, so when I can be outdoors and still be
working on control issues, it's great.  What about the rest of you?  Cindy

We have been working on conditioning slowly and I have found that with my youngster that he will trot willingly if he is leading, if not he wants to canter up the horse in front's butt. I corrected him and pulled him back down to a trot, but he would have none of it, he wanted to catch up to the other horse. Then the 'fireworks' began...hopping and bucking ( I landed on his withers, he hesitated, I hadn't lost my stirups so it was correction time...), gave him a wack with the crop, he tried bucking again,pulled his head up and turned him in a tight circle, that settled him and told him trot. He half hartedly tried it agian, corrected him and we trotted. I am totally exhausted and not at all happy about the ride. Any suggestions from the peanut gallery? I was pretty happy I did stay on...just am getting rather old for this type of bill @hit.
Chris & JJ(looking at the 'wall of shame')


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