Pulled this off the CD-L list with
permission and request to forward. The Southerd Californians on this
list may already know about this issue, but if not, here 'tis. Please
pass on as Cheryl has requested. MAS
Date: Fri,
18 Feb 2005 12:29:42 -0800 From: "Cheryl A. Skigin" <kjms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Horse
communities at risk
Orange Park Acres California is a 75 year old
equestrian community. It is the home of Kathy and Walt Ashford who have
been at the heart of the Southern California Driving Community for 30 years
and the home of the Gwartz family, Cheryl, Brian and Alexander Gibson.
Our homes on 1 and 2 acres are a slice of semi rural heaven in a very urban
world. This community is the only reason many of the horse owners can
actually live close enough to work to keep up the living that supports a life
with horses for themselves and their children. For those of you who
know us, I firmly believe that the Ashford and Gwartz and Gibson children are
a product of an environment in which horses not nintendo has been
the greatest constant of their family life. Our County Supervisor,
Bill Campbell has determined to push through an ordinance which limits
the number of horses and then has a permit process which
provides "objective" criteria of what will prevent or result in
revocation of the permit. The first critieria is whether the horses are
a "disturbance" to neighbors. There is a requirement for
"continuance dust control"-does anyone know what this is?- are sand arenas
outlawed or do you just have to keep them muddy? Manure must be in
covered containers. We all have 3 yard bins as all manure is removed
by contract with the county services. Has anyone every heard that
the ingredients of fertilzer, can be combustible? Putting manure in a
seal container is just dangerous. Each criteria is designed to create
the elements for what will be held as the objective standard for a
legal "nuisance" claim. In essence -even one horse will be deemed a
nuisance when these criteria are applied by a neighbor that does not want
horses anymore. This will be the model for every community and county
that wants to rid itself of horses. I beg of you all to be
outraged. There is major nearby development moving forward.
Orange Park Acres has been the guardian that demands that the new
developments be required to meet the open space and continued trail easements
that the horse community has in place. Get rid of us, you can sure
increase the density and get rid of the pesky trails and open spaces.
What can you do? Write letters whereever you are to: Noting that this
precedent is one that impacts horse communities everywhere and that Orange
Park Acres will have the support of horse owners everywhere. If
you are in Southern California join us at 1:30 at the the hearing room at 10
Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana California on February 23, 2005
This is
sent to the list because you always rally to those who love their
horses. We in Orange Park Acres love our horses and what they bring to
our lives.
Please address to: Michael Wellborn, Chief of Advanced
Planning Orange County Planning Commission fax of email to Cheryl
Skigin 714 538-2757 emial: kjms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx I will be there to hand
deliver. I can be reach by phone at 714 744 4220- please pass this