Re: [RC] Flax seed/coffee grinders? - gary affleck
Don't hang with those types. And you're not a bottom feeder, so loose
that. Nothing wrong with using the Moon. I use it plenty, for other
things. G.Affleck
skiwolf9@xxxxxxx writes: ..I have
never been to any barn that didn't have an electrical outlet
someplace. G.Affleck
Never?! You've been hangin' with the
bourgeois ;-) I board and am not wealthy. Until recently my
"barn" had no plumbing, had to haul in water. It's really nice to have
running water now! Still no electricity. It's not for everyone,
but it solves the afford-a-horse problem for me.
I use a mortar and
pestle for grinding - by the light of the moon when there is a
My best friends don't have power at their house. I guess
they'd agree that it solved the afford-horse-property problem for them, and
they are able to keep 6 horses. Their place is very peaceful when the
generator is off, and they are rich in many ways. Not sure I'm ready
to give up power at home, but sometimes it's tempting.
oops, this
got too long, pardon! It just amazed me that you don't know anyone
who doesn't have power in their barn.