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[RC] Fw: endurance seminar - Renie M burnettJust
a reminder for the ENDURANCE CLINIC that will be held in Northern California
Speakers scheduled include Julie
Suhr, "Endurance and a Positive Attitude", RobLydon DVM "Vet
Checks-Getting your horse prepared", Eric Hought "Training the endurance
Horse" and Tammy Nute "Saddle Fitting" Price is
$10 Lunch will be available
This is a CHSA State Endurance Ride
Program Year-End Awards Fund raiser.
Attachment is the Registration
Form Hope to see many of you there. Renie
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 American Classic;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}{\s2 heading 2;}{\s3 heading 3;}{\s4 heading 4;}{\s5 heading 5;}{\s6 heading 6;}{\s7 heading 7;}{\s8 heading 8;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\fi720\f0\fs24\tab\tab \tab\tab \b\fs32 California State Horsemen\rquote s Association\par \pard\b0\fs24\tab\b \fs10\par \pard\keepn\s6\fi720\li5040\cf1\i\f1\fs28 ENDURANCE CLINIC\par \pard\li1440\cf0\i0\f0 \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab March 5, 2005\par \pard\tab \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab 9AM - 4 PM\par \fs24 \fs16\par \pard\li5760\i\f1\fs28 \cf1 HALE ARENA\i0\f0\par \pard\cf0\fs24 \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab 16998 Evergreen Road ~ Cottonwood, CA 96022\par \pard\keepn\s5 Phone 530-347-1367\fs16\par \pard\b0\fs24 \par \pard\fi720 \b COME AND GET ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS YOU HAVE FROM THE EXPERTS:\par \pard\fs10\par \pard\fi720\li2880\f1\fs24 \cf2 Speakers & Topics:\par \cf1\fs16\par \pard\keepn\s3\qc\cf3\f0\fs24 Julie Suhr ~ \ldblquote Endurance - A Positive Addiction\rdblquote\par \pard\cf1\fs10\par \pard\keepn\s1\qc\fs24 Rob Lydon, DVM ~ \ldblquote Vet Checks - Getting Your Horse Prepared\rdblquote\fs10\par \pard\fi720\li720\fs24 \tab\tab\fs10\par \pard\keepn\s7\qc\cf3\fs24 Eric Hought ~ \ldblquote Training the Endurance Horse\rdblquote\par \pard\qc\cf1\fs10\par \fs24 Tammy Nute ~ \ldblquote Saddle Fitting\rdblquote\par \pard\fi720\li1440\qc\fs10\par \pard\keepn\s8\fi720\li1440\cf3\f2\fs20 \cf0\f0\fs16\par \pard\keepn\s4\fi720\li720\cf1\f2\fs20 Vendors: Cool Tack, Snug-Pak, Hought Tack and Silver Lining Herbs \par \pard\cf0\par Cottonwood, California is located in Northern California about 25 miles south of Redding. The Hale Arena is 8 miles west of Cottonwood. Attendees need to bring a chair, pen and paper, and wear warm clothes\b0 \b\par \b0\f0\fs16\par \b\f2\fs20 Directions:\b0\f0 \f2 From I-5 take the Bowman exit in Cottonwood and go West 3 1/2 miles to Evergreen Rd , \par turn right( sharp turn and a few more in the first mile) and go 4 1/2 miles to entrance sign on right. In the first mile of Evergreen Rd there is a one lane bridge, swing wide and respect traffic. \par \f0 \fs16\par \pard\qc\i\fs24 This is a CSHA State Endurance Program Year-End Awards Fundraiser\i0 .\par \i Food is provided for additional cost.\fs16\par \b\i0\par \fs24 CSHA ENDURANCE CLINIC\par \pard\keepn\s1\qc March 5, 2005\par \pard\qc Registration Form\fs28\par \pard\b0\fs16\par \pard\fi720\fs24 Name ___________________________________________________\par \pard Additional participants or family members: \par \pard\fi720\li720 _____________________________________________\par \pard \tab\tab _____________________________________________\par \pard\fi720\li720 _____________________________________________\par _____________________________________________\par \par \pard Address ______________________________________________________\par \fs10\par \fs24 City/St/Zip ____________________________________________________\par \fs10\par \fs24 Telephone_____________________________________________________\par Cost:\par Individual \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab $ 10.00 ea __________\par Family of two\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab $ 15.00 __________\par Family of three or more\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab $ 20.00 __________\par Junior (17 & Under) \tab\tab\tab\tab\tab $ 5.00 ea __________\par \fs18\par \pard\li3600\fs24 Amount Enclosed $ __________\par \pard\fs10\par \b\fs20 Please make Check or Money Order Payable to \ul CSHA State Endurance\ulnone\tab \tab\par \pard\li1440 Mail to: Clarissa Hale, 16998 Evergreen Road, Cottonwood, CA 96022\par \pard\fi720\li720 Phone 530-347-1367 email: Renie Burnett ~ renieburnett@xxxxxxxx\b0\par }