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Re: [RC] One aspect why the French win - Barbara McCrary

A very interesting outlook.  Re-read the third from last sentence, "Because the US does not have that collective mindset, does not support the various equestrian sports in general."  Suddenly, I was put in mind of an experience I had over 20 years ago.  We had just managed our first Swanton Pacific 100 ride in 1983.  I wrote a story and took it and a couple of photos into our local newspaper.  Our nearest town has a current population of well over 50,000 people, so the local newspaper isn't just a weekly rag. I took the story and photos into the sports department and handed them to the sports editor, who looked at me and said (and I quote exactly), "Mrs. McCrary, what you need to understand is that no one in Santa Cruz is interested in horses."  (This certainly is not true, as vaulting, dressage, and endurance are well represented activities, plus others that I'm not as familiar with.)
Well, I was thoroughly insulted and I took my story and photos and stalked out.  A number of years later, I was introduced to the same sports editor, and by way of acknowledgement I said, "Oh, yes....Mrs. McCrary, what you need to understand is that no one in Santa Cruz is interested in horses."  The man looked rather sheepish and said to me, "It's nice to see you again, too." I rarely have a snappy comeback at my fingertips, but that one hit home.  I was vindicated!  Perhaps his attitude reflects that of multitudes of Americans. We have come too far from our roots, and a lot of folks would be better off if they hadn't.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: RE: [RC] One aspect why the French win

Why the French win.....  I think it goes a bit more than just institionalization of a sport.  I am French and am a first generation American.  At least in  my family and those from the region where my family is from, horses are looked upon differently than in the US.  In generalities, horses are much more accepted and commonplace.  Meaning, that when I tell someone in the US that I have a horse, the general response is "Oh really or gee, you must have money etc"  In France, it would be more like "But of course!"  Thus, the general support for horse and rider in France is there and not considered esoteric.
Why is this different?  Because it is a cultural mindset that is far different than in the US.  I can also compare this to when I was attempting to keep my amauter status.  At that time, the rules were stricter for my disipline (jumping) and it was very difficult to find sponorship and not violate amauter status (needed for Olympic trials).  If there had been an institutionalized program available for myself and the riders of that time, many wonderfully talented riders would have been eligible to go to the Olympics.  But they could not because they could not afford to do so.  Why was nothing of the sort in place?  Because the US does not have that collective mindset; does not support the various equistrain sports in general.  Instead, we have a "Dream Team" for basketball.  That is what the US has choosen to support. 
Okay, enough rambling on regarding cultural differences and sports.


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RE: [RC] One aspect why the French win, Jackie Causgrove