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Re: [RC] Maybe shorter is better ;) - Barbara McCrary

I had a couple of short horses, about 14.2 or 14.3, and they were the fastest trotters I've ever had.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Laney Humphrey" <laneyhh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Diane Conklin" <conklinapps@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [RC] Maybe shorter is better ;)

Short height doesn't necessarily mean short stride. My 14'2" horse has a plenty long stride which I love since it has no suspension. My 15' horse's stride probably is "longer" but it's much harder for me to ride because there is suspension. The length of the stride is determined by the horse's conformation: upright shoulder = short, choppy stride; 45 degree shoulder = longer stride. There's a bit more than that but that's the basic.
Diane Conklin wrote:

I have a small gelding that I'm trying to convince myself I should ride in endurance but I can't get past the shorter stides he seems to take. He's 7, wonder if that will improve?
Diane and Bo the short guy........

*/Jody Rogers-Buttram <dragnin100@xxxxxxxxx>/* wrote:

Hello fellow ridecampers!!!
I went riding yesterday, Joni and I went up to Bankhead to enjoy
the beautiful weather here in North Alabama on the first weekend
since deer season closed. It was great!!! 65 degrees and full
sunshine. Anyway, we rode a nice 24 mile conditioning ride in
preparation for next week's Boy Scout Pow Wow. I rode Gypsy. Now, she is a small (14.1) hands little grey mare. Wonderful
ride, big stride, no spooking, just a lot of fun. Point is this: As we (people) get older, it sure is nice to get on and off of
something that isn't far to the ground. I know I like my bigger
horses, but this was a pleasant change. So, to all those out
there in Ridecamp world that have promoted the smaller horse....I
think I now understand your idea behind it. And, she did just
fine hauling me up and down those hills.
Hope to see lots of you this coming weekend in south
Georgia....and yes, I will be riding Gypsy. Jody, Joni and the girls- Rose, Aries, Love, Gypsy and Storme.

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Re: [RC] Maybe shorter is better ;), Diane Conklin
Re: [RC] Maybe shorter is better ;), Laney Humphrey