i know i'm driving y'all nuts with all the saddle and saddle fit questions
but, lol, all us saddle hunters get crazy sooner or later so please forgive
i've heard of non fitting saddles leaving bumps and wonder if someone can
tell me what these bumps are like. i've been trying a saddle and tonight i
noticed two bumps like insect bites on the pony's back in the area of
the pockets but an inch or two further back. i don't think they were
there yesterday when i rode the saddle. can't imagine insects biting this
time of year. no swelling or heat and doesn't appear the back is sore
at all but does this sound like the bumps a non fitting saddle would
leave? LOL makes me feel like a fool for worrying over two small bumps
like that but rather appear foolish than to find out later i've hurt my
boy's back by continueing to ride this saddle if it caused these bumps.
<laughing> okay back to the attic where they've kept me since i started on
THE saddle hunt. OH and a happy new year to all!! may the price of
your hay go down, may your horses all stay healthy and sound and may
enough money come that you can attend all the rides you wish. patty in
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.