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Re: [RC] Newbie Questions - Laney Humphrey

Hi Dana,
I just read Angie's response and it could hardly be said better than she did. I'd only add one thing. Do and ride or 2 without your daughter before starting her. That way, you'll have some idea of what to expect so it won't be all new to all of you at once. OK, one other suggestion: volunteer at a ride or 2 before actually riding. Just call ride management and offer your services (or just show up and let them know you're there to help). Volunteering is absolutely the best way to see how things work. If you want to give your horses extra camping experience and a chance to get used to life in ridecamp, when you call RM to volunteer, ask if you can bring them & explain why you want to. If there's room, they'll probably let you.
Welcome to the sport and have a great time!

Dana wrote:
Hi there -- I'm Dana, in Texas... and I am interested in doing my first AERC 25 miler fairly soon... I live in deep East Texas (Davy Crockett and Angelina are my "stomping grounds"), and I ride the third greatest love of my life - a 16.1 Silver Dun Paint (TB X QH) whom we affectionately call "Comanche Joe".
I have participated in a few R4 NATRC Competitive Trail Rides over the years, the last one being at the 6-0 Ranch in Cleburne, Texas. I have only rode at a Novice level, but find the speed to be too slow for my horse's comfort. Although he is 1/2 QH, he LIVES to "hook it" on down the trail!! I would try NATRC "Open" level, but quite honestly do not like the idea of "mounted forward motion only" for 40+ miles... which brings me to AERC.
As I understand it, a 25 mile ride is done in one day, but you can dismount and actually WALK DOWN THE TRAIL (unmounted forward motion) enroute to the finish line, if you wish. I REALLY like that concept. I used to think doing 25 miles at once was INSANE... but the way I figure it now (after conditioning for years), riding a NATRC Novice 15-20 miles in one day is fairly easy, so if I can actually get off and walk a bit, stretch my legs, loosen my girth and "refresh", I can most certainly do a 25 with proficiency, maybe even more. So, is this true... the allowance of getting off and walking your horse down the trail?
Can you give me an idea of what a typical ride day is, from start to finish?
Also, I've been told that Endurance Riders are a bit more, uh... "unmannered" than other distance riding associations - and although there are good guys and bad guys in EVERY part of the planet, I am wondering where manners come into play in AERC... in NATRC, people are polite when passing, courteous and kind on the trail, helpful, etc... usually... is this how it is on the AERC trail too? Are you judged on horsemanship or simply your ability to get from point A to point B intact, healthy and in a timely manner?
Although I DO like NATRC, they seem to be very "rule oriented" and I think perhaps I may be more at home with more "relaxed" company... is AERC more "relaxed" than NATRC? In NATRC, we all have to keep our horses the same way (tied to the trailer for the most part), they judge your trailer set up, judge your horse keeping, judge your horsemanship, set up and judge you on obstacles on the trail, sometimes even watch you with binoculars, require only mounted forward motion (you can get off and stop, or walk back down the trail only), vet check in, vet check out, P&R's on the trail, etc, etc.... does AERC do things that way? HOW does AERC do "things" ? How does one know how to behave at an Endurance ride?
Please share your thoughts, advice and opinions with me... I would like to try a 25 miler... Darolyn says the 7L is a good first time ride, so maybe I'll give it a shot, BUT I really want to learn all that I can first. My 10 year old daughter would compete with me too, so I also need "kid" advice.
Thanks in advance -- I REALLY appreciate you -- Dana in Texas
PS: Please forgive my constant reference to NATRC, but it's the only thing I know that I can compare/contrast too... I know what I like about it, but I know what I don't like too... you know?


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[RC] AERC Travel Channel available on the website, LRN8554
[RC] Newbie Questions, Dana