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Re: [RC] Governental immunity from damage suits engendered by injuries on trails, etc. -
Dabney Finch
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[RC] Ridecamp Humorists -
Lynne Glazer
[RC] To Shoe or not to shoe that is the question - dolly decair
I must admit what I know about this subject is very limited
But my one incounter with someone getting started in that
was very negative and totally turned me off,she was a very
nice neighber with 2 TWH .Someone local got her interested
in the barefoot trim and she attended several clinics. My shoer
was also talked into attenting one as the place the clinic wasbeing held
was also hosting it and they wanted to have him learn so he would
continue to be their shoer,he did and was so upset after first day
he would not go the second day,he brought me the papers they
passed out,now I don't know if they are all like this but in essence
in was like a religion,came right out and said if your horse could not
travel sound after 6 months of work on getting him a justed he should
just be set free of this world and go to a better place, my neighbor was
busy for weeks walking her horse up and down her drive way,told to put
rocks in his stall and all around his water trough,now I was sick watching
this horse in severe pain!! couldn't hardly walk ,I fed for them quite often
I was told to throw their hay way far away from their water so they would
have to walk across the rocks to get to water, I refused." Told her no way
would I be responsible if her horses should colic or something by not going
for water as they were in such pain till they were desperate for water. I will
admit one horse was not in as much pain as the other. Still it was very painful
to watch. Also don't know how they would save money,they were being charged
65.00 a trim. Again Im not saying it couldn't work for some ,put personally I could
not put myself or horse tru that, Some will go for anything if they hear it is NATURAL.
Reminds me of the man who would eat only NATURAL food,he died of NATRUAL causes.
Dolly DeCair
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[RC] Ridecamp Humorists -
Lynne Glazer
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Re: [RC] Governental immunity from damage suits engendered by injuries on trails, etc. -
Dabney Finch
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[RC] Governental immunity from damage suits engendered by injuries on trails, etc.
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