Re: [RC] to change the subject-you're not going to believe this - gary affleck
Whoda thunk it? If you even think that you caused his demise, watch
out. There is a threefold law running around this planet with great
force. Careful what you wish ( will, spell) for; you just might get
it. Good or Bad, it all returns. Blessed be.
Subject: [RC] to change the
subject-you're not going to believe this
Well, since I see you all have kissed and pretty
much made up, I'll throw something at you that will challange your mind a
little. Here is a moral issue. Will I go to Hell because my Ford
dealer dropped dead of a heart attack. Yes, that's right, I am the b@#tch that spent so much
energy on my F350 that he couldn't take it anymore. Truck is still crap
but they burried him yesterday. My nephew called and said "Hey
Aunt Cathryn, I got some people I want you to hex for me." This is not
one bit funny. Anyhow, who can I torment now? It had
nothing to do with his 2 ppd habit and his double A personality right?
Oh well, guess I will just have to trade and take my $12,000 loss.
Whoda thunk it. Cathryn Whitaker