Ok, ok, we're WIMPS in the cold in TX, but for us THIS is pretty darn cold!
I even brought the barn cat in to the garage and fixed him a little
bed/dinner/potty so he doesn't freeze solid to the bottom of the horse trailer
where he usually sleeps <BG> Ice is piling up on the patio and porch
railing and I almost busted my buns slipping on the brick steps into my barn
(no, not a fluffy barn, but left over bricks from the house made into
steps)...Merry Christmas, it's actually COLD for once!
admit that here in MN, my horses are mainly fuzzy pasture ornaments in the
winter, but I do remember a few years ago going out to ride in the dark
after work because I was excited that the temp had risen to a balmy 8
degrees after a week or two below zero. Sick, I know. But at
least there weren't any mosquitos.
way, I think it is too cold to ride at 40 degrees.