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[RC] Update on 2005 PS 100 Mile Horse Awards - KimFue

I finished with the stats and here are the horses that earned awards in 2005 while enrolled in the PS 100 mile horse program. 
Heigh Ho owned by Jonathon Bowman earned the gold level by completing 5 100s and 3000 miles.  Heigh Ho has 8 100 mile ride completions over his career.
TR Wyatt owned by Don Bowen earned the gold level by completing 5 100s and 3,000 miles.  Wyatt has 9 100 mile completions over his career.
TR Sharkee owned by Tammy Robinson earned the gold level by completing 5 100s and 3,000 miles.  Sharkee has 5 100 mile completions over his career

TR Raja Jati owned by Charlie Robinson earned the bronze level by completing 1 100 and 1,000 miles



Because this program was started late in the 2005 ride season some horses reached milestones before the awards started.  I would like to mention these horses and their riders and acknowledge their accomplishments.


There are two horses that completed their first 100 at the Tevis Cup this year.  I think this is a pretty awesome accomplishment and shows that with good horsemanship (and good luck) Tevis can be a successful first 100.  This year's Tevis was also Shari's first 100 mile completion.


Kaycee - owned by Melody Wong

Magic Moment - owned by Shari Thompson


E Bey - owned by Terry Banister completed his first 100 in 2005 and went on to complete a second.  E Bey has a 100% completion record for 100s!!


GT Sando owned by Carolyn Hock has completed 10 100 mile rides including the Pan Am's in 2003, 2004 World Championship, and the 2005 North American Championship


Congratulations to these Pacific South Horses and their owners