Re: [RC] "Worst Condition" award for Riders - LAWRENCEC BENNASCONI
here's an award that I know that I can win!!! we need to start this
in the SE. Are galls and rubs worth more if they are in tender areas? How about
how long it takes to actually dismount at the end? Bonus points for how many
times the recommended Advil dosage you have taken?? I think this should be
judged Sunday AM, after the drugs have worn off and you have stiffened up
In LD rides, I have actually layered two bras, I learned this is not
a good idea during a 50. The top sports bra layer actually pushes the underwires
in the bottom layer into your skin, resulting in very raw areas. Not to mention
the elastic is permantely pushed into your back. These make it very hard to get
dressed on monday to go back to work.
During the last LD, I did something that I knew better at the time.
DON?T GO TO A RIDE IN A NEW SADDLE!! Get a months worth of training time in it
first. The was my new reactor panel, and I wasn't planning on going to this
ride, but since my new halter bridle arrived early that Friday am, I took that
as a sign to load up, and just do the 30. (When I rode in a wintec, my worn out
nylon headstall was fine, but it looked a little out of place with the dressage
saddle) I can say that the RP did not hurt my knees, and most saddles put my
kneed into agony, however, any new saddle that puts you in a slightly different
position, and uses different muscles. A week later, I am still
>Hey all- How about Best & Worst Condition
Awards for Riders ? Except there >would be no drug testing
! Does Advil test ? - Heidi Helly
Ride Over the
Rainbow actually has done this a few times! We have a "Worst
Condition" form that mimics the AERC Best Condition form, and we judge the
ten tail-enders (all distances) at the awards breakfast on
Things like "ability to rise out of a standard
lawn-chair"--points deducted for use of the arms. "Lesions and tack
galls" --based on how much whining they've done to their
crews/family--unless they want to show 'em. We make 'em jog a little
bit... It's a hoot!