Jonni said, in part: "So tell me Kathleen, since I obviously am missing
something here. What do you feel a rider needs to learn about showing for BC,
that differs from regular thorough vet checks at a ride. I am truly
Well, let's see now. How about walking their horses around from time
to time to make sure they don't stiffen up. That is something we generally
don't worry about before the ride starts. Cooling off slowly during the
hour hold - again so they don't stiffen up. Don't have to worry about that
before a ride. Make sure they are eating and drinking well. Putting
a little more attention to that detail after the ride than before is usually the
norm. Icing the legs is another one I see regularly. Sure don't do
that before the vet check before the ride. I'm sure their are more.
Anymore smarta$$ questions?
A horse have vet in fine immediately after the ride but if taken back to
the trailer and tied there just might stiffen up before the BC vet hour
check. We learn by doing. If novices start off with 25/30s and come
in top ten they have a chance to learn by doing. The more you do the more
you know. I think. Lots of butterflies in tummies during the first
BC showing at our trailer. The more opportunity we have to learn to do
better for our horse, the better we all feel.