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[RC] 25/30 & BC - Jonni

Kathleen posted: >>>If some rides do not use AERC endurance rules for 25/30
BC, where are these riders to learn how to show for BC?  Certainly they will
be moving up to endurance, but they won't have had any experience preparing
their horse to show for BC.<<<

Wow, I had never even considered that one must learn how to show for BC by
first doing so in shorter distances. Dang, where have *I* been. But wait,
how will they know how to show for BC in a LD ride??? Who will teach them???
Is AERC sending riders out into the world of showing for BC unprepared??? Oh
please, tell me it's not true!   Wait, maybe we need a rule that no one can
show for BC at an "endurance" distance without first proving they have the
ability to do so in a LD ride. We would never want someone to be unprepared
in doing so. That would be so unfair! Geezzzzzz............

I figure that anyone who finds themselves in the position of showing for BC
will pretty much figure it out. The basics are all the same as any other vet
check. If you want to learn the "tricks" to making your horse look better,
then that will only come from watching those who do so on a regular basis.
And hopefully the true horse that is in the best condition will shine
through any smoke and mirrors a rider tries to pull on a vet.

So tell me Kathleen, since I obviously am missing something here. What do
you feel a rider needs to learn about showing for BC, that differs from
regular thorough vet checks at a ride. I am truly interested.



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