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RE: [RC] LD/BC - heidi

heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I would beg to differ with this comparison.  The riders who felt that
they didn't want to ride further due to age, infirmity, scheduling, or
just plain druthers have been with us since the beginning.
My turn to differ.  You are trying to imply that there were a substantial 
number of
non-beginners in these early rides.  T'aint so.  The short rides WERE called 
Rides back in the 80's and that wasn't because they were chock full of 
riders and horses who just wanted to scale back from the 50's and 100's.

I was there, vetting those rides.  And on the BoD when the name
discussions were going on.  And yes, Diane, there were numerous
experienced riders riding them back then.  And once again, it was
because of that demographic fact that the name "Novice" clearly was not

...it was those very people who influenced the board (and rightly
so, IMO) not to call it "Novice Distance" since most of them weren't
novices.  The very name "Limited Distance" came about precisely BECAUSE
these riders have always been an active part of the scene on the rides
of "limited" distance.
While I am glad these rides aren't labeled "Novice" since they do indeed 
encompass a
much broader range of ability than just beginners, nevertheless, I think you 
confusing loud, vocal and persistent with large in numbers.  Back then, there 
MUCH fewer non-beginners than beginners at these rides.  In MY opinion, the 
status quo reflects the elevation of the DESIRES of competitive Limited 
riders to achieve and win accolades over the NEEDS of beginning riders to 
have a
safe, supportive venue in which to try out the sport of Endurance.

Once again, I ask whether or not you were there.  In my region, at
least, there certainly were experienced riders on these rides, for all
of the same reasons that experienced riders still ride them.  Believe
it or not, Diane, there WERE people in the 80s who did not have time to
condition, who were recovering from injuries, and who were getting older
and realizing their limitations.  This is not a new phenomenon.  And at
times, I was among them--I recall riding LDs "back then" myself, and
for different reasons--at one point recovering from a knee injury, at
another point because I wanted to do a particular ride and didn't have
time to get a horse more fit, and on another occasion to "sponsor" a
newbie adult.  

And the old should-have-been-an-English-teacher always kicks in when the
name comes under discussion--"limited" is an adjective that modifies the
noun "distance," implying that the distance is not as far as some other
distance.  It in no way implies that the capability of the riders or
horses that ride those "limited" distances is also limited... 
Frankly Heidi, this last really ticks me off.  I never applied "limited" to
either horse or rider in my post and for you to imply I did is, well, a bit
under-handed, perhaps designed to influence the ambivalent readers on this 
forum more
than to improve anyone's English.

I didn't imply that you did, Diane--I was referring to the often-stated
objection to the name that has cropped up repeatedly in the thread.  I
suppose I could get "ticked off" at you too, for your repeated
misinterpretations and assumptions when you read my posts, but it isn't
worth raising my blood pressure.  For the record, I left the quote of
mine above, along with your "ticked off" reply--and I clearly stated
that it was a frustration "when the name comes under discussion"--NOT
as you imply that I was suggesting that YOU had said it.  You take far
too much credit...



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