As for me, my favorite breakfast is a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich! Sticks to the ribs! Eggs tend to go right thru me (sorry for the visual) so I avoid them. I don't each much when riding, but I tend to carry granolas, beef jerky (salt & protein in one!!), apples/carrots, and occasionally dried mangoes. Notice most of what I carry is also horsey food too...Carmin really loves jalapeno beef jerky....JUST KIDDING!!! lunch isn't usually much, a banana, maybe half a sandwich...but afterwards I am a chow hound! Later Y'all, MaryBeth (not to be confused with Merryben) ;>) "just an LD'er, but proud just the same" ....I just had to say something... ;>)~ Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.5/177 - Release Date: 11/21/2005