I may be coming in late to the debate whether or not to start with LD and
move up to 50...but here's my 2 cent's worth: I considered myself a pretty
seasoned trail rider before doing my first ride at Liberty Run. What I
learned is the following:
1. Evidently I never did actually ride 25 miles in one day...being
out all day on my QH did not equal 25 miles. Probably 10 -15...max.
And lots of breaks too!
2. My trail horse had no idea what it was like to be passed by
hotshoe after hotshoe. I wasn't sure who was going to have the nervous
breakdown first...me or my horse.
3. Obviously I never rode "hard" for a long distance. I still
have scars from doing that first 25 in my blue jeans.
Again, I speak for myself...but I "didn't know what I didn't know"...and of
course I'm still learning. So for the weekend warriors like myself...I do
recommend LD to start. Get your feet wet. Learn if you have the
right horse...the right tack so you both won't be miserable...and oh yes,
preferably a patient crew!