[RC] novice class, LD taken seriously etc. - Sherman
The problem
with this is that AERC does not consider LD as legit. rides.
The points are
different, the miles do not get included as "regular" miles, the times are
not even included in EN in ride results,etc.
In the Sept EN
Dr Melissa Ribley writes that she would prefer no placings or BC in the
LD. This is a shame to me.
I admire people who realize their horse
is unable to safely complete longer distances. That does not mean the
horses are not as athletic, their nitch is in shorter distances.
Maybe a 25 mile ride is NOT an endurance ride in a lot of people's
minds, but it still takes strategy, excellent horse care, and an athletic
animal to compete ride after ride in LD.
The opening statement in the above post is missing
one word.....endurance. The AERC does
not consider LD rides as legit "endurance" rides......because they're not, they
are however legit LD rides.
I agree with most of the other statements (with the exception
of the remark about Ribley's statement), however, it still does not make the LD
rides endurance rides and since AERC is an organization that gives
recognition to endurance horses and riders, perhaps what is really needed
to give the LD riders the recognition that some want, is a new, separate
organization, not associated with AERC, that would award LD
riders & horses as that organization sees fit. Sort of like when the
different breed associations have their rides in conjunction with AERC rides,
but their awards are for their breeds only.
I am not being facetious. I have LD friends and I
think my husband may even be talked into doing an LD. He (hubby) did 21
miles yesterday! And I also realize that someday, I may not be able to or
may not want to do 50s anymore.
What do you think? Any dedicated LD riders out
there with the time & inclination to persue this?