[RC] Right-To-Ride Livestock on Federal Lands - Dabney Finch
I just did this and it took about two seconds.
Easy as pie. See below
> Here's a great way to VOICE our opinions regarding the
Right to Ride > Livestock on Federal Lands! EVERYONE with horses
needs to do this! > > Act of 2005" has stalled in the Senate
because of low support from > the horse world. The American Horse
Council, led by the Americal > Quarter Horse Association, have
launched a campaign to GET ANYONE > WHO RIDES, especially in they already
ride in national parks or > wilderness areas-or think they might
someday-to get on the bandwagon > to send off an already prepared letter
of support. Some > details . .
. > > Last March, Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA) introduced the
"Right-To- > Ride Livestock on Federal Lands Act of 2005" into the US
House of > Representataives, and a month later Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID)
introduced > an identical bill into the US Senate. But nothing has
happened since > March, when the bill was referred to half a dozen
committees. _This > is due partly because congressmen and their
staffs are disappointed > by the low level of support their efforts have
received from the > horse world. > > The easiest way to
contact your senator or representative is to click > on_ http://capwiz.com/aqha/issues/alert/?alertid=7749306&type=CO >
which > takes you to an AQHA Action ALert. Once there, _you enter
your zip_ > _code,_ _fill in your name and address for verification as
a > constituent, and a prepared letter of support goes to the >
congressional representatives_ you designate. Of course, if you'd >
prefer to write your own letter, this link also provides the bill's >
complete text. > > The bill says in part "The Secretary of the
Interior shall provide > for the management of National Park System lands
to preserve and > facilitate the continued use and access of pack and
saddle stock > animals on such lands, including wilderness areas,
national > monumnets, and other specifically designated areas, where there
is a > historical tradition of such use. _As a general rule, all
trails, > routes and areas used by pack and saddle stock shall remain open
and > accessible for such use." > > Please forward _this
message to any horse association or outdoor > organization that supports
hiking and riding trails. _This is a > vital letter of
support, that cements equestrian rights on a national > level, and
safeguards riding on public lands for the future. _ > > >
~Nat~ > > > > > > > >
Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > >
Some time ago I followed this link and contacted my representatives.
I received emails from both senators that they do not pay any attention
to automatically generated emails. I unhappily sent them personal
emails. Becky