[RC] Which Reactor Panel saddles do folks like? - Bonnie Hellevig
I have been searching this group's archives for
messages about Reactor Panel saddles and getting a lot of good information.
However, most of the time people don't specify which saddle they have. I am
primarily a trail rider - not endurance, but lots of miles and hours on the
trail at all gaits. I am using a Sports Saddle now, but after 2 years now I'm
getting spine rubbing.
The RP endurance saddle has the big thigh block.
Carmi from RP says that many riders prefer the VSD Traditional or Summit. And
then there is the Cross Functional saddle. In reading about the saddles on their
website, I'm leaning toward the Cross Functional or the VSD Traditional, and
would love to hear about people have to say about their RP models. What about
the set-back stirrups on the endurance model? Is this a good thing?
I really appreciate reading about peoples
experiences with the various models.