I'm trying to imagine a big round hay feeder out in
the weather filled with alfalfa.....isn't it really dangerous to have alfalfa
get wet and start to ferment and mildew in the middle? It's bad for any
hay...but alfalfa especially?
Subject: Re: [RC] Midwest horse feeding
and riding buddies
"...digesting the alfalfa is what keeps them warm during the
winter, and they won't be able to withstand the elements as well if they
are being fed grass hay and grain...."
If horses have enough hay, of any variety, they
will do fine out in MT or WI winters. I have used everything from ~50%
Alfalfa to 100% grass to winter horses. I also used 80% clover hay one
year when I was in WI.
The key is to feed them enough.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875