and everyone else and I hope this doesn't start the war back up about whether or not AERC should provide insurance to ride managers....
that aside, Here's my dilemma. As some of you know, my farm website sponsors a general horsey message board. It's been running successfully for a year now. Many of the members want to have a "get together" camp out and ride.
I've said I would host it at our nearby park where we have the Sunflower classic ride, but said I'd require helmets for anyone who rides. My thinking is that this is an organized event, I'll have to sign a paper for the state park system that I'm the responsible party. I figure being as the board is connected with my farm and I'd be the official host, I'd better CYA in case someone gets hurt.
I know that Kansas has a strong equine liability law, but that doesn't stop someone from suing, or someone's health insurance company from trying to recover damages from an accident claim. I know when I fell off Star at an endurance ride and smashed my elbow, my health insurer tried real hard to find someone else to pay for the hospital visit.
I told them I fell off my horse. period. Didn't say where. I'm sure if I had said where, the RM and AERC would have been asked to pay. My insurer hounded me for a year trying to shake the money out of a different tree.
Am I right to be concerned? Am I being unreasonable to require helmets? Would it be better to disassociate my farm from the board and let someone else manage the ride? What are my risks and liabilities here? I never used to think about these things, but do now, sigh....
I guess I still remember Sue Crews fondly and ever since her death, many CT region RMs have required helmets.
I do have ride instructor's insurance and get a nice break on my premiums becuase of my helmet rule.