chris, i didn't mean to imply that all pleasure
riders are non caring slobs. we have some great ones, too. i was
refering to the ones you mentioned before when i said they don't help keep our
trails either. the yeehawing, beer drinking, galloping
<G>i just added the can throwing and snack
sack tossing ones who don't seem to feel that rules are for
as in all things there are the good ones and the
rotten apple ones.
the behavior of riders on public lands really does
concern me. i'm an old biddy and hope to ride different trails for the
rest of my life. hope the trails will be available to all future
generations, too.
we need to look at it as we
are caretakers and make sure our actions don't cost us any
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.
I'm lucky here in that the pleasure riders work pretty well with the
endurance riders about keeping up the park and trails. In fact, the pleasure
riders have formed a nonprofit group and have done huge things to make our
equestrian campground better. We have pipe corrals, water and electric hookups
and a washrack just to name a few things they've done. They always come out in
big numbers to help at rides... provide food, ride drag, work as spotters,
etc. I've joined the group just to support them and all they do for our
The litter I've found on trail usually is from the fishermen who use the
trails to get to the lake. sigh...