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RE: [RC] [RC] rude riders revisited - Kristen A Fisher

All vets score BC differently and many may not calculate and/or use criteria
time when doing BC scoring. I did an informal poll of 4 vets at one ride and
only 2 of them look at data throughout the day.

And since she was in a line of 15-20 horses that arrived to camp at the same
time, others may have been in the same position, leveling the playing field.
I have also looked at a lot of CT rides and found that the top ten are
usually spread across and hour or so [between #1 and #10] so most likely the
"clump" of horses standing there were not top 10.

The flip side is, it gives them an extra minute within which to reach
criteria. So I think it's inconsequential, but others may feel differently
and that's OK - there's always the option to dock my pay or fire me ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Olson [mailto:olsonjer15@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 3:54 PM
To: kskf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; SandyDSA@xxxxxxx; jonnij@xxxxxxxx; 
Subject: RE: [RC] rude riders revisited


You are correct when you say that the in-time does not matter 
as far as the pulse criteria goes, where it does come into 
play is in the BC scoring. 
Recovery time is exactly that, the time it takes your horse 
to recover from the in-time to the pulse-time. If a group of 
horses comes in together it is my understanding that they 
shouold all have the same in-time. If I am incorrect in this 
line of thinking please correct me.

Jeremy Olson

From: "Kristen A Fisher" <kskf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <SandyDSA@xxxxxxx>,<jonnij@xxxxxxxx>,<ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [RC]   rude riders revisited
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 13:46:18 -0600

When I was arrival timer at the Region 9 ride, I had a 50 
miler worried 
about the arrival time I wrote on her card because there was a line, 
and by the time her time was written it was 1 minute after 
she called 
her name [call your name all you want, I ain't writing your 
time down 
until I have your vet card!]. I reminded her that arrival 
time has no 
impact on out time or ride time, so it doesn't matter as long as her 
horse pulses in within 30 minutes of that time. She seemed 
like that was news to her. Hmm.


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RE: [RC] [RC] rude riders revisited, Jeremy Olson