[RC] OT - Pigeon fever, need more info - Lani M Olson
Sorry to bother with this again, but if this makes it endurance-related I
can't ride till this is cleared up. Had the vet out as the abdominal swelling (a
perfect oval around the midline) seemed to have a drainage, but not what
expected. The horse has had no fever, no swelling in the chest or legs. But she
has had some small, thick-scabbed sores on her body, one on the curve of her
left flank, one on her loin and one on her right ribcage, besides the midline
fly sore which is where the drainage came from. My vet took a swab, will have
results in a few days, and believes this is a form of pigeon fever that involves
the skin - but readily admits she's flying in the dark as we've never had pigeon
fever here and are now swamped with affected horses. My other mare has no
swellings anywhere, but has just had some of these thick-scabbed sores show up
on her back, just past the end of the mane. First mare seems stiff all over, has
been for a week, second mare seems fine. Both eating and drinking fine. Anybody
can shed any light on if these sores are a part of pigeon fever or something
else entirely? If you don't think others will benefit I will gladly welcome
private answers.