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Re: [RC] Ranelle's post - Joe Long

On Sun, 30 Oct 2005 14:19:49 -0800, Diane Trefethen <tref@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Joe,
  Try to remember that comments like the one below aren't actually critical 
of Mr 
Ivers.  They are insults to those who have benefited from his expertise, like 
I don't intend to be critical of anyone else, which is why I included the
Lincoln quote.

I do not believe Mr. Ivers has any real expertise in edurance (I cannot say
about the track), his expertise is self-promotion.  Although, I'm not surprised
some people have taken some advice of his and had some success with it.  There
is some wheat among all that chaff, after all, and to mix a metaphor, if you dig
through a pile of manure you will find the occasional bit of undigested oats.


Joe Long


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[RC] Ranelle's post, Ridecamp Guest
Re: [RC] Ranelle's post, Joe Long
Re: [RC] Ranelle's post, Diane Trefethen