Re: [RC] Skin condition -- scabby and weepy and flaky, oh my! - Carol Suggs
Wow that is wierd. You might try MTG and
follow the directions. If that doesn't work call the vet! It can be
found at most tack shops and catalogs. It stinks but I have found it to
help one of our horses with her skin condition.
Subject: [RC] Skin condition -- scabby
and weepy and flaky, oh my!
My new horse Queso has a strange skin condition, which his previous owner
said he never had (don't know it I should believe it or not) I've
had him a month, and the first patch showed up about 2 days after he got
here. It starts out where the hair falls out overnight, and the skin is
broken, scaly, and weepy -- pus/blood droplets. Then it dries out to
just scaly, and oh soooo slowly hair grows back (the first patch is still
growing over). Several patches have appeared since, and the weird thing
is that the patches only appear on his face, neck and chest. Some funky
pictures of the patches are at this link:
I've tried the following remedies: Head and Shoulders shampoo (on
the advice of a mentor/neighbor), Bag Balm, Antifungal spray, Desitin, and am
experimenting with one treatment of the following on different patches:
CalmCoat, Fungisan, and Eqyss MicroTek (results as yet unknown, still too soon
to tell).
Has anyone seen anything like this before? It's not contagious --
his pasture buddy who is attached to him like glue doesn't have it. I
was thinking maybe allergy? We just moved here last winter, and the
field was a soybean field last year, but we put in pasture and while we have
weeds, there is plenty of very good grass for them to eat. He was moved
from central Virginia (mountainous) to Eastern Virginia (sandy soil/in a river
valley). He was on pasture there, with a handful of sweet feed once a
day, and is on the same here. I can't imagine that he's stressed -- he's
a very friendly, outgoing guy, and he is only just green broke, and gets
ridden maybe once or twice a week for 20 minutes and 3-4 20 minute groundwork