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Re: [RC] Charlie Barrieau memorial - Barbara McCrary

We cannot attend Charlie's memorial, but I have to share....Charlie took photos of Castle Rock Challenge Ride in 1972, the first year I finished it riding my youngest daughter's Quarter Horse.  We were nearly dead last, as I knew nothing about this game and was afraid of hurting the horse.  But I did finish, and that was important.  Charlie took two spectacular photos, one of Lud on another daughter's grade horse (who we now believe was Standardbred) and one of me on the Quarter Horse.  Charlie had a great eye for composition, and those are two of the most wonderful pictures we have in our extensive collection of horse photos.  They are large.....16" x 20",  mounted on poster board.  One is a profile and one head on.  I believe that Charlie was hidden from sight at each location.  For people who remember the old Castle Rock, starting on the coast and ending at Leo Frank's ranch, one of the sites was on top of the ridge above China Grade, the other just entering the "Knee Knocker" after crossing China Grade.  These photos are treasures to us, and they will always remind me of Charlie.  He will be sorely missed.
Barbara McCrary
----- Original Message -----
From: Dawn Simas
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:18 AM
Subject: [RC] Charlie Barrieau memorial

The info below was provided by Kate Riordan and Mike Pickett.  There is a storylink on Charlie on the endurance.net homepage.
> The Celebration of Life for Charlie Barieau is being held on SATURDAY,
> OCTOBER 15 at 1 p.m. at the Gold Country Fairground in Auburn.
> People are being encouraged to bring Charlie Barieau photos to share with
> everyone.
> I hope Board members can attend ---- and please pass this along to others.
> I
> certainly feel we need to honor Charlie and all he contributed to the
> Western States Trail Foundation for 50 years, and will continue to
> contribute in a historic sense in perpetuity.
> BYOB, pot luck bring a chair, and if locals could make pot luck BIG
> helpings
> then there will be plenty for all. If you have any questions please call
> Cindy Tough 530-878-0771 or e-mail ctghw at foothill dot net. The exact location
> at
> the Gold Country Fairgrounds is area that we use for the Tevis Awards
> Ceremony. I hope you can all be there.

[RC] Charlie Barrieau memorial, Dawn Simas